Do you have a Leaflet map? Yes. Can you panned and and
zoomed to a particular event or ROI in the map? Yes. Then, how can you share
that map zoomed or centered with ROI/events to your webpage or email as a link? One of the
answers may be set the zoom level and set view near the ROI. Alright, what will you do if you have a map
with multiple ROI/events? Do you make multiple maps with multiple zoom level
and view? You can, but probably not a good idea to do that.
The solution comes here, leaflet-hash.js, solves your needs, it is a JavaScript library
written by Michael Lawrence Evans, which appends the URL hashes to web pages
automatically and the hash changes with Leaflet map on drag or zoom. The hash
consists of map zoom level and latitude/longitude of the center of map
viewport, everything you need to share the map with focused ROI as link in
following simple steps: