Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interactive West Nile virus incidence mapping using OpenGeo tools, Google APIs, & HTML5

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The Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence at South Dakota State University developed a web based West Nile virus (WNV) mapping application using Geosever, Openlayers, PostGIS,GeoWebCache, Jquery, Google visualization APIs, and, other open source technologies. This application allows users to pan, and zoom to visualize historical WNV patterns while using a slider bar to navigate through time. Users can click on counties to see -county level time-series graphs, case counts, and total population. The application also supports changing choropleth transparencies, choropleth classifications, and map backgrounds.

A. OpenGeo tools:

i.     Open layers
ii.    Geoserver
iii.   WebGeoCache
iv.   PostGIS

B. Google APIs
i.       Google Maps API
ii.      Google Charting API
C.      HTML5

These are frequently refereed to as HTML5 technologies.
HTML Canvas
Other CSS improvements such as flex boxes
Offline Storage
New events such as touch and orientation
Click here to visit the Application

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mapping the Disease Trends

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West Nile Virus (WNV) is the most widespread arbovirus (viruses that are transmitted by arthropods) in theworld. . During the period of 1996 -1999, the WNV became prevalent insouthern Romania, the Volga delta in southern Russia, and the northeastern United States. The spread of WNV covered the United States from coast to coast in four years, and by then it had 7 infected about one million Americans, killing about eight hundred.

Here I mapped the spatial trends of WNV virus in the United States of America.

Check website - http://globalmonitoring.sdstate.edu/eastweb/maps/wnv1999_2011/

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