Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Map re-projection in ArcMap or ArcGIS

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Here, I am trying to show how to project/re-project US shape file into AEA conic USGS projection using ArcMap.

Follow the following steps:

1. Right click on Layer -> click on Coordinate System

2. Unfold Predefined -> Unfold GCS -> Unfold North America

3. Select North American Datum 1983

4. Click Apply and Click OK

5. Add Feature Data (Points/Lines/Polygons)

6. A warning may appears but ignore it.

7. Find Data Management Tools -> Select Project (feature) Tool

8. Input Dataset or Feature Class (Enter the name of layer needed to be projected.)

9. Input Coordinate System -> Click on Hand icon -> Click Select -> Unfold GCS -> Unfold North America -> Select North American Datum 1983

10. Click Add

11. Click Apply and Click OK

12. Output Dataset or Feature Class (Enter the location of output file and location name: *.shp)

13. Output Coordinate Systemè Click on Hand icon -> Click Select -> Unfold PCS -> Unfold Continental -> Select North American -> Select USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS.prj

14. Click Apply and Click OK

15. New Projected map layer will be created. But  might not be able to see that projected layer in same data frame. Then what?

16. Trick: Add new data frame.. HOW?

17. Click Insert from Arc Map tool bar -> Click Data Frame

18. Drag projected map layer into it.

19. Cheers !!!  Your Map is projected.

20. If still problems persist; check on Environmental Variable Setting.

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